The Proccess
For R.R. Information Systems and Technologies Ltd., a veteran software company specializing in medical and optics applications, I undertook a significant redesign of their initial patient dashboard. The primary enhancements included:
- Immediately upon logging in, medical and administrative personnel are now presented with three essential infoboxes.
The first displays a pie chart illustrating the distribution of patients based on their package status.
The second enumerates the total patient count and breaks down the number of patients in each package type: private, rehabilitation, and home nursery.
The third provides crucial patient-related notifications, ensuring that immediate concerns are always front and center. - Adjusted padding and margin for better readability and a cleaner look.
- Reconfigured the arrangement and appearance of filter buttons to improve clarity and accessibility.
- Introduced a new column featuring a red bell icon next to patient names, indicating crucial notifications. This addition aids in quick scanning of the table, enabling users to promptly identify and address urgent cases.
- For better user experience, I added headings to all filter buttons, and a subtext beneath each button, so users can easily identify the filters they have activated.
These updates were executed to ensure that the dashboard is not only visually appealing but also user-centric, enabling medical and administrative personnel to work efficiently and effectively.